
High Performance Python

Optimization hinders evolution. - Alan Perlis

最近扫了一本《High Performance Python》,该书从多个角度比如性能度量(profile),内置数据结构调优,并发,多进程,多线程,使用C加速,异步,分布式,内存调优,其他网站使用经验等介绍了python优化经验,看得出几位作者的计算机体系结构和python功底很深。笔者非计算机科班出身,有些知识点超出了我的能力范围,不过多了解一些东西对于以后技术调研和选型还是很有帮助的,简要记录下涉及到的一些东西。

1章: Understanding Performant Python


2章: Profiling to Find Bottlenecks


  • time.time: 最直接的就是用time函数计时。
  • cProfile: 内置性能分析模块。
  • line_profiler: 以行为单位度量代码性能问题。
  • memory_profiler: 分析内存使用。
  • heapy: 以对象Objects为单位分析
  • dowser: 生成变量的分析图
  • dis: 分析字节码。
  • unittest: 性能优化的前提是不改变代码行为,需要有足够的单元测试保证优化以后的代码行为正确。

3章:List and Tuples


  • list: 可变数组,O(1)访问.
  • tuple: 不可变。O(1)访问,相比list更节省内存。caching resource: python对于小于20个元素的tuple会缓存下来, 不会立即进行内存回收。对于固定长度的数组元素,应该优先考虑使用tuple。



4章:Dict and Sets

作为dict或者set的键要求是可hash的,可以hash指的是实现了 hash__和__eq(或__cmp__),list这种可变类型的数据结构就无法作为key,dict和set的内部实现都是哈希表。


class Point:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x, self.y = x, y

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.x, self.y))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y
  • dict: 键值对.插入和查找都是O(1),但是比较浪费内存。
  • set: 类似数学上的集合。插入和查找O(1),但是当超过原先分配内存的⅔时,为了维持插入和查找效率,重新分配内存。对于固定长度的集合,最好使用frozenset节省内存。

5章:Iterators and Generators

使用生成器可以帮助我们节省内存使用。 在python2中,有range和xrange两个函数,区别在于range函数返回list,xrange返回迭代器,非常节省内存。python3的一大改进就是将很多内置返回整个序列的函数改成了返回迭代器。

def range(start, stop, step=1):
    nums = []
    while start < stop:
        start += step
    return nums

def xrange(start, stop, step=1):
    while start < stop:
        yield start
        start += step

for 语句的原理:

object_iterator = iter(object)
while True:
        i = object_iterator.next()
    except StopIteration:


itertools.islice: 对生成器切片操作
itertools.chain: 连接多个生成器
itertools.takewhile: 给生成器加上终结条件
itertools.cycle: 生成循环的的序列

6章:Matrix and Vector Computation


7章:Compling to C


  1. Profile to understand program’s behavior
  2. Improve algorithm based on evidence
  3. Use a compiler to achieve quick wins
  4. Beware diminishing returns with extedned effort

对于一些CPU密集的代码,我们可以用Cython将python代码转成c代码提高执行效率或者使用PyPy来执行。书中还提到了其他几个小众的玩意Shed Skin, Numba,Pythran,不过似乎生产环境下不怎么用,甚至Cython和PyPy生成环境下使用的也很少,之前clone过reddit的代码,发现他们在一些计算密集的小函数上使用了Cython。


本章介绍了提升程序并发性能的几种方案,包括使用gevent,tornado,asyncio等,不过目前貌似异步框架在web应用中使用的比例仍然不高。python3引入的asyncio或许是python异步的未来,已经有基于asyncio和aiohttp的异步web框架sanic,性能接近Golang,非常强悍, 不过目前生态圈和案例太少,没有生产环境下的经验能借鉴。异步数据库orm我搜了一下貌似只有一个async-peewee,貌似也没多少人用,感觉python异步web框架还有很多路要走。Instagram,Reddit,Youtube等没有使用异步框架也能撑起巨大的访问,可能有时候可扩展的架构更加重要。


Event Loop: 实质上就是一系列需要被执行的函数列表

from Queue import Queue

eventloop = None
class EventLoop(Queue):
    def start(self):
        while True:
            function = self.get()

def do_hello():
    global eventloop

def do_world():
    global eventloop

if __name__ == "__main__":
    eventloop = EventLoop()

我们可以将事件循环和异步IO操作结合,这些操作是非阻塞的,意味着如果我们在一个异步函数上做IO写操作,它会立即返回,即使写操作还没完成。当写操作完成时,事件通知程序写操作完成。这允许我们可以在IO等待时做其他操作。 一般实现事件循环有两种形式,callbacks或futures.

# callbacks实现
from functools import partial
def save_value(value, callback):
    print('Saving {} to datavase'.format(value))
    # save_result_to_db是一个异步函数,立即返回
    save_result_to_db(result, callback)

def print_response(db_response):
    print('Response from database: {}'.format(db_response))

if __name__ == '__main__':
        partial(save_value, "Hello world", print_response)


def save_value(value, callback):
    print('Saving {} to database'.format(value))
    db_response = yield save_result_to_db(result, callback)
    print('Response from database: {}'.format(db_response))

这种实现下save_result_to_db返回future对象,通过yield我们可以暂停它执行直到返回值准备好了恢复它的执行。python里协程使用生成器实现的,因为生成器是python内置的并且支持暂停和恢复操作。我们需要做的就是yield一个future对象,然后事件循环等待它计算完成。一旦完成,事件循环将恢复函数的执行,发送结果到future对象。 在python2里边基于future实现的协程有点不优雅,因为我们试图将协程作为真正的函数使用,但是实现协程的生成器是无法返回值的,例如在tornado里python2要 raise gen.Return(json_decode(response.body)) 来返回值。从python3.4以后允许协程直接返回值。


import requests
import string
import random

def generate_urls(base_url, num_urls):
    We add random characters to the end of the URL to break any caching
    mechanisms in the requests library or the server
    for i in xrange(num_urls):
        yield base_url + "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 10))

def run_experiment(base_url, num_iter=500):
    response_size = 0
    for url in generate_urls(base_url, num_iter):
        response = requests.get(url)
        response_size += len(response.text)
    return response_size

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import time
    delay = 100
    num_iter = 50
    base_url = "{}&".format(delay)

    start = time.time()
    result = run_experiment(base_url, num_iter)
    end = time.time()
    print("Result: {}, Time: {}".format(result, end - start))

gevent: monkey-patch标准IO函数使之变成异步的。,它有一个被称为『Greenlet』的对象用来执行并发操作。gevent使用事件循环在IO等待期间对greenlet进行调度,直到所有greenlet执行完成。

from gevent import monkey

import gevent
from gevent.coros import Semaphore
import urllib2
from contextlib import closing
import string
import random

def generate_urls(base_url, num_urls):
    for i in xrange(num_urls):
        yield base_url + "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 10))

def download(url, semaphore):
    with semaphore, closing(urllib2.urlopen(url)) as data:
        return data.read()

def chunked_requests(urls, chunk_size=100):
    semaphore = Semaphore(chunk_size)    # 用来控制并发数
    requests = [gevent.spawn(download, u, semaphore) for u in urls]
    for response in gevent.iwait(requests):    # 事件循环只在iwait调用时执行
        yield response

def run_experiment(base_url, num_iter=500):
    urls = generate_urls(base_url, num_iter)
    response_futures = chunked_requests(urls, 100)
    response_size = sum(len(r.value) for r in response_futures)
    return response_size

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import time
    delay = 100
    num_iter = 500
    base_url = "{}&".format(delay)

    start = time.time()
    result = run_experiment(base_url, num_iter)
    end = time.time()
    print("Result: {}, Time: {}".format(result, end - start))


from tornado import ioloop
from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient
from tornado import gen

from functools import partial
import string
import random

    "tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient", max_clients=100)

def generate_urls(base_url, num_urls):
    for i in xrange(num_urls):
        yield base_url + "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 10))

def run_experiment(base_url, num_iter=500):
    http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
    urls = generate_urls(base_url, num_iter)G
    responses = yield [http_client.fetch(url) for url in urls]
    response_sum = sum(len(r.body) for r in responses)
    raise gen.Return(value=response_sum)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import time
    delay = 100
    num_iter = 500
    _ioloop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
    run_func = partial(

    start = time.time()
    result = _ioloop.run_sync(run_func)
    end = time.time()
    print result, (end - start)


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import asyncio
import aiohttp
import random
import string

def generate_urls(base_url, num_urls):
    for i in range(num_urls):
        yield base_url + "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, 10))

def chunked_http_client(num_chunks):
    semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(num_chunks)

    def http_get(url):
        nonlocal semaphore
        with (yield from semaphore):
            response = yield from aiohttp.request('GET', url)
            body = yield from response.content.read()
            yield from response.wait_for_close()
        return body
    return http_get

def run_experiment(base_url, num_iter=500):
    urls = generate_urls(base_url, num_iter)
    http_client = chunked_http_client(100)
    tasks = [http_client(url) for url in urls]
    responses_sum = 0
    for future in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
        data = yield from future
        responses_sum += len(data)
    return responses_sum

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import time
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    delay = 100
    num_iter = 500

    start = time.time()
    result = loop.run_until_complete(
    end = time.time()
    print("{} {}".format(result, end - start))

9章:The Multiprocessing Module


  • Process: 当前进程的复刻(fork)
  • Pool: 封装了Process或者threading.Thread API到一个方便的工作池(进程池)
  • Queue: 支持多个生产者和消费者的队列
  • Pipe: 在两个进程之间单向或者双向通信的管道
  • Manager: 进程之间共享python对象的高级接口
  • ctypes: 允许在进程被forked后共享原始类型(integers, floats and bytes等)
  • Synchronization primitives: 同步原语,Locks或者semaphores


# Monte Carlo方法来模拟pi的计算
import math
import random
import time

def y_is_in_circle(x, y):
    """Test if x,y coordinate lives within the radius of the unit circle"""
    circle_edge_y = math.sin(math.acos(x))
    return y <= circle_edge_y

def estimate_nbr_points_in_circle(nbr_samples):
    nbr_in_circle = 0
    for n in xrange(nbr_samples):
        x = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
        y = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
        if y_is_in_circle(x, y):
            nbr_in_circle += 1
    return nbr_in_circle

nbr_samples = int(1e7)
t1 = time.time()
nbr_in_circle = estimate_nbr_points_in_circle(nbr_samples)
print "Took {}s".format(time.time() - t1)
pi_estimate = float(nbr_in_circle) / nbr_samples * 4
print "Estimated pi", pi_estimate
print "Pi", math.pi

import math
import random
import time
#from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
from multiprocessing import Pool

def y_is_in_circle(x, y):
    """Test if x,y coordinate lives within the radius of the unit circle"""
    circle_edge_y = math.sin(math.acos(x))
    return y <= circle_edge_y

def estimate_nbr_points_in_circle(nbr_samples):
    nbr_in_circle = 0
    for n in xrange(nbr_samples):
        x = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
        y = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
        if y_is_in_circle(x, y):
            nbr_in_circle += 1
    return nbr_in_circle

pool = Pool()

nbr_samples = int(1e7)
nbr_parallel_blocks = 4
map_inputs = [nbr_samples] * nbr_parallel_blocks
t1 = time.time()
results = pool.map(estimate_nbr_points_in_circle, map_inputs)
# pool.close()
print results
print "Took {}s".format(time.time() - t1)
nbr_in_circle = sum(results)
combined_nbr_samples = sum(map_inputs)

pi_estimate = float(nbr_in_circle) / combined_nbr_samples * 4
print "Estimated pi", pi_estimate
print "Pi", math.pi

10章:Clusters and Job Queues


  • Parallel Python Module: for simple local clusters
  • IPython Parallel: support research
  • NSQ: for robust production clustering


  • Celery: 一个广泛使用的异步消息队列。
  • Gearman: 支持多个平台的任务处理系统
  • PyRes:python和redis实现的轻量级任务管理器
  • Amazon’s Simple Queue Service(SQS): 亚马逊云服务提供的任务处理系统

11章:Using Less RAM


  • 分块加载,如使用 memory-mapped file
  • 使用array模块相比list存储原生类型(integers, floats, characters等,not complex numbers or classses)能节省很多内存使用,或者使用numpy的array
  • 使用memit(ipython),memory_profiler衡量内存使用, 内置的sys.getsizeof对于容器类型的计算不准确
  • python2里的unicode对象比较耗费内存,在python3中没有这个问题
  • 如果需要存储大量字符串到内存:使用DAWG(Directed asyclic word graph)和trie(Marisa trie,Datrie,HAT trie)等结构比存储到list或者set里节省大量内存,DAWG等结构通过公用字符串前缀或后缀节省存储,github上有相应实现。
  • 嵌入式系统可以用”Micro Python”, http://micropython.org

Probabilistic Data Structures:如果允许一定概率的精度损失,我们可以使用一些概率数据结构

  • Morris Counter: 仅使用一个字节完成近似计数
  • K-minimum Values: 只用很少内存完成集合操作
  • Bloom Filters: 固定内存完成判重操作,比如写爬虫的时候有海量url需要判重,就可以使用Bloom Filters节省内存
  • LogLog Counter: 限定内存计数

12章:Lessons from the Field


- lyst.com(fashion recommendation engine):django/Amazon EC2/Redis/PyRes/supervisord/Elasticsearch/Graphite/Sentry/Jenkins/Cython/numpy/scipy/

- sme.sh(social media analytics):django/flask/pyramid/celery/Boto/PyMongo/MongoEngine/redis-py/Pyscopy/Graphite/Sentry/docker/

- adaptivelab.com(social media analytics): Elasticsearch/Celery/redis/Mozilla's Circus(替代crontab)/SaltStack/Fabric/Vagrant/敏捷/Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)/

- radimrehurek.com(Deep Learning): Stream your data, watch your memory./ Take advantage of Python's rich ecosystem. / Profile and compile hotspots./ Parallelization and multiple cores. /Static memory allocations. / Problem-specific optimizations.